Rachael Osborne
Read about Rachael's experience studying our Level 6 Diploma in Advanced Dance Teaching Practices...
Please share a short introduction about yourself
I have been teaching for 20 years following a professional career. I have my own dance school in South East London, Tiptoes and Tappers. I teach the bbodance Classical Ballet and Musical Theatre Syllabi, and IDTA Tap and Jazz. I am a member of both these organisations, as well as the RAD.
How did you hear about the bbodance teacher training courses?
I did my initial teacher training through the ISTD in the early 2000s but after becoming a bbodance Registered Teacher, it was the bbodance staff who reached out and encouraged me to look at the Level 6 course. My previous training and experience enabled me to jump straight into the Level 6 course even after having several years away from academic study.
Six of my students assist with classes and have completed the Level 3 Certificate; this is a great asset to my school. I can introduce my dance teaching assistants as already having a Level 3 to support their practice.
Why did you choose to do the Level 6 course? How does it fit with your career development plans?
I believe it’s massively valuable to keep learning no matter how long you’ve been teaching for. Areas such as dance science and technical knowledge are constantly changing so it’s vital to stay up to date with the latest practices.
The somatic approach to teaching practice has especially helped my vocational students to reach the next step in their training. It’s not only been about what I’m teaching them technically but also how I’m teaching them.
How did you feel at the start of the course?
I was apprehensive at the start of the course about going back into academic study; I had not had to write extended essays for a long time! However, the introductory calls with the bbodance team put me at ease and made the process more approachable. The 1 to 1 mentoring was incredibly helpful to assure me I was on the right track, especially working with the dance science module tutor.
What has been your favourite module and why?
My favourite modules were Dance Science for Teachers and Research Project; I found them both incredibly insightful and they absolutely changed my teaching for the better.
Would you recommend our Level 6 course and why?
I would recommend the Level 6 course to anyone. It’s so important to keep learning at any age or career stage. The course puts itself in a solid position for pedagogical practice both in academic and practical dance settings. It focuses on teaching as a whole, not just teaching dance, which opens so many doors for me.
What are your plans for after the course? Where is your dance journey taking you next?
I am well established in my career path so I will use the course to keep growing my dance school and providing more opportunities for my students. On a personal level, I have a newfound respect for my own qualifications and knowledge. I have the confidence to voice my opinions, approach academic settings and speak to new teachers and academics as peers.