We are excited to announce changes to our Teaching Qualification courses! Here’s everything you need to know.
What is changing?
From 2026, we will be replacing the Level 5 Diploma in Dance Teaching with a new course: the Level 4 Diploma in Dance Teaching Practice. The focus of this course will be to develop your practical skills and knowledge as a dance teacher to equip you for qualification as a dance teacher and career success within the private sector.
In addition, as a progression from Level 4, we will be offering a new Level 5 Licentiate in dance teaching, which will be genre specific and will focus on the teaching of the bbodance syllabi.
The Level 6 Diploma in Advanced Dance Teaching Practices will no longer be offered. Instead, we will be developing CPD units of study based on the content of the Level 6 course as professional development.
The Level 3 Certificate Dance Teaching Assistant and Level 4 Diploma Introduction to Dance Teaching courses will continue to be offered as normal.
The new Teaching Qualifications pathways and route to becoming a qualified dance teacher will be as follows:

Why are these changes being made?
Within the UK private sector dance teaching industry, it is most common to qualify dance teachers at Level 4. Given the increasing necessity for dance schools to offer a range of dance genres and therefore work with syllabi from multiple dance awarding organisations, we want to align our qualifications accordingly to ensure ease of recognition and transferability of your teaching qualifications.
The new Level 4 Diploma in Dance Teaching Practice course is not an “easier” version of the Level 5 Diploma in Dance Teaching course; instead, we are looking afresh at the specific skills and knowledge you need for a successful career in dance teaching and delivering the course at a level that aligns with industry norms.

With the new Licentiate course, we want to offer you the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge of bbodance syllabi and gain recognition for syllabus specific expertise. This course will also provide a pathway to bbodance Examiner training.
Finally, by offering Level 6 course content as CPD units of study, the opportunity to explore more complex ideas about dance teaching and develop your skills at a higher level becomes more accessible.
When will these changes come into effect?
The new Level 4 Diploma in Dance Teaching Practice and the Level 5 Licentiate courses will be offered in 2026.
The dates of the final Level 5 and Level 6 courses are as follows:
Final Level 5 Diploma in Dance Teaching | Jul 2025 to Jan 2026 |
Final Level 6 Diploma in Advanced Dance Teaching Practices | Oct 2025 to June 2026 |
How do these changes affect the status of the current teaching qualifications?
The status and value of the teaching qualifications you have already completed with us remains the same.
In other words, if you have a Level 3 Certificate Dance Teaching Assistant award, you can still progress to the Level 4 Diploma Introduction to Dance Teaching course as long as you meet the entry requirements.

If you have a Level 4 Diploma in Dance Teaching or a Level 4 Diploma Introduction to Dance Teaching award, you can choose to enrol on the final Level 5 Diploma in Dance Teaching course or wait to progress to the new Level 4 Diploma in Dance Teaching Practice.
If you have a Level 5 Diploma in Dance Teaching, you will remain a recognised qualified teacher and your status as a Registered Teacher with bbodance will continue as normal. You also have the following opportunities:
You can choose to enrol on the final Level 6 Diploma in Advanced Dance Teaching Practices or wait to do CPD units of study to continue your professional development.
You can choose to do the Licentiate course if you wish to specialise in the bbodance syllabi.
If you have a Level 6 Diploma in Dance Teaching or a Level 6 Diploma in Advanced Dance Teaching Practices, you will remain a recognised qualified teacher and your status as a Registered Teacher with bbodance will continue as normal and you can choose to do the Licentiate course if you wish to specialise in the bbodance syllabi. Additionally, if you started your Level 6 course prior to 1st September 2024, you remain eligible to apply for the formation process of Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status with the Society for Education and Training.
How do I find details about the entry requirements, cost and content of the new courses?
The details of the new courses will be published on the bbodance website at https://www.bbo.dance/bboteach in line with our advertising of the courses.
What if I have questions about the changes to the courses?
You can sign up to attend a TQ Surgery session with the Head of Teaching Qualifications who will be explaining the changes to the courses and answering questions.
This will take place on Thursday, 1st May at 10am (UK time). Book a free place HERE.
Alternatively, you can email tq@bbo.dance with your questions and one of our friendly team will be very happy to help!