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Register for CPD at Dance Days 2024!

We are delighted to be launching registration for the CPD courses that will be held at Dance Days this year. These courses are open to all teachers, regardless of affiliation with BBO; we aim to provide excellent training for all and welcome you to join us.

April 3rd – 5th, Birmingham

We have selected a range of both syllabus and industry-based topics, considering requests from our friends and members, as well as keeping up to date with relevant dance practices. We hope the courses will help progress your teaching, industry knowledge and student development.

See below a full list of courses available and register now to secure your place!

Did you know? Dance Days isn’t just for teachers. We have a student event that runs in conjunction with our CPD courses. Dancers aged 8-18 can attend 3 days of multi-genre classes taught by industry professionals; with options to stay overnight or just attend the daytimes, it’s an exciting way to experience life as a full-time dance student.

CPD at Dance Days 2024 - Full Timetable:

Wednesday 3rd April

Musical Theatre Syllabus Surgery

With Sophie Sharp

10.00am-5.00pm (Midlands Arts Centre)

ABCDance – All Boys Can Dance!

With Natalie Pearl

11.00am-4.00pm (Midlands Arts Centre)

Grades 6 & 7 Ballet

With Emily Law

10.00am-5.00pm (Birmingham Royal Ballet)

Thursday 4th April

Grades 1 and 2 AcroDancer

With Jennifer Evans

10.00am-5.00pm (Midlands Arts Centre)

Tap Untapped!

With Kemal Kuguloglu

10.00am-5.00pm (Midlands Arts Centre)


Friday 5th April

Unlocking the Magic of Neurodiversity

With Aerial Mel Stevens

10.00am-1.00pm (Elmhurst Ballet School)

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